Žítkovské bohyně

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Title in English: The Žítková Goddesses. Folk Magic in Moravian Kopanice

Second extended edition. 

The work is based on authentic field researches in 1990–1992 with two last living goddesses in Žítková in the White Carpathians, the researches were originally elaborated as the diploma thesis. Other field collections of 1995–1996 are dedicated to the goddess I. Gabrhelová. The last field researches of 2013–2014 monitor diaries of the eyewitnesses, for which such topic is close especially in relation to their childhood. In the theoretical part there is an analysis of individual incantations and magical practices, further an analysis of a magical ceremony with respect to application of homeopathic and contact magic. The last part of the work is devoted to logic of magical thinking and monitoring of contact points with contemporary forms of magic of recent healers.

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  • Number of pages: 156
  • Dimensions: 18 × 25
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-8909-9