Zlepšování a environmentální inovace v podniku

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Title in English: Continuous improvement and eco-innovation in a company

The publication deals with the issue of innovation introduction and particularly environmental innovation development. In a particular business environment the innovation process is researched from the point of view of the conservation psychology stressing the role of the line managers and other employees supporting the innovation birth. Presented results identify the themes that in the environment of a specific business influence innovation activities and describe the importance of the model components. The research results could be used as a probe into the system of business innovation support and also show a picture of the employee view on the environmental aspects of innovation activities. The questionnaire tool collects the employee attitudes towards innovation activities and eco-innovation and could be after further development used in different organizational contexts.


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  • Number of pages: 173
  • Dimensions: 15 × 21
  • ISBN: 978-80-210-6158-3