Graeco-Latina Brunensia (2/2015)
Ulrike E h m i g : Guter Gott! Bonus deus in lateinischen Fluchtafeln (good god!
Bonus deus in the latin curse tablets)●
Ilona C h r u ś c i a k : Nonverbal behaviour of characters in the Iliad as a form
of prolepsis .●
Elwira K a c z y ń s k a : Hesychius on Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α .●
Jerneja K a v č i č : Bilingualism and the spread of an infinitive construction .●
Kristýna K n a p k o v á : Achilles Tzartzanos and his contribution to the Greek
language question ●
Zuzana L u k š o v á : Synodalpredigt von Jan Hus Diliges Dominum Deum
(Synodical Sermon of Jan Hus Diliges Dominum Deum)●
Jana M a l a n í k o v á : Selected examples of laws (leges) approved by comitia
preserved in the book VII of Livy’s History ●
Edoardo M i d d e i : Gli antroponimi sabellici in *-ai̭os e le basi onomastiche
con morfo-struttura aCCa- (Sabellian personal names with *-ai̭os
and the onomastic bases with the morpho-structural pattern acca-) .●
- Vydavatel: Masarykova univerzita
- Obor (časopisy): Jazykověda a literární věda, Klasická filologie
- Jazyk: čeština, slovenština
- Pracoviště: Filozofická fakulta
- Rozměry: 16 × 22,5
- ISSN: 1803-7402