Theatralia (2/2012)
Pavel Drábek | Launching a Structuralist Assembly: Convening the Scattered Structures●
Fernando de Toro | The Legacy of the Linguistic Circle of Prague ●
Patrice Pavis | Semiology After Semiology●
Ernest W. B. Hess-Lüttich | The Schools of Structuralism – An Overview ●
Veronika Ambros | Puppets, Statues, Men, Objects, and the Prague School●
Šárka Havlíčková Kysová | ʻAsian’ Theatre Sign: Its Potential and Its Limits in the
History of the Czech Structuralist Thought ●
Andrés Pérez-Simón | Manufacturing Authenticity: Anonymous Acting Celebrities
in Atalaya’s Production of Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba (2009)●
- Obor (časopisy): Divadlo a divadelní teorie, Historie
- Jazyk: čeština, angličtina, slovenština
- Pracoviště: Filozofická fakulta
- Rozměry: 14,8 × 21
- ISSN: 1803-845X